Monday, April 14, 2014

Léa Selley - Muse of the Week

Lea with a happy customer
I first met Léa in Las Vegas at my first conference ever, FPBA, before I even had my first paid gig. She was the web mistress and had done a great job designing their website. I could appreciate the work she'd done for them because I'd managed websites and programmed them back in the OLD HTML days. She gave a great class on internet marketing and gave us some great ideas on cross marketing with other painters, blogging, linking to other painting content...she had a LOT of great ideas. So she was inspiring me way back when.

Wiser painting Lea at FPBA
Photo: Kim Millen
Fast forward a couple of years and Léa has put out some AMAZING Youtube tutorials, has taught a great class on FABAtv and is now taking the world by storm teaching her graffiti eyes around the world. Oh, and then there was that marriage thing to WISER ONER, the graffiti body painter, in an amazing sugar skull extravaganza at last year's FABAIC! Wow! I guess they had met at that same FPBA conference too!

Great Youtube Tutorials
Léa is not only a painting muse for me, but she's also an instructor muse. I love her high energy enthusiasm approach to teaching. I also love her Youtube channel and she's given me a high standard to shoot for in the future. She's also come up with a stenciling system that makes her graffiti design style more adaptable to all painters. She's making it easier for painters to get her great design results with her great teaching style and tools.

She's also got a great personal way about her that exudes peace and love. She seems very comfortable with herself and with others and wants to bring happiness to the world. So in this way, she's also a personal muse. Kerry Ann DePetro just did an interview with Léa on her Face Paint Podcast (and gave me a shout out too!) and I was so taken by her positive attitude about teaching and painting and getting to meet painters from all over. I was thrilled when I got to meet both her and Wiser (again) at EFABE. What a fun couple and great huggers too! Can't wait to see them at FABAIC.

I just got my Ultimate Graffiti Eyes Stencil Kit in the mail and did my first eye design. I'm getting ready for Comic Con here in Salt Lake City and I'm excited to match graffiti eyes to customer's t-shirts and outfits. I think they will be a great fit for superhero designs. That's one of the beautiful things about graffiti eyes. There are endless combinations of colors and designs that you can do so that each one is unique.

Here's where to find Léa:
Kerry Ann's interview of Léa : Face Paint Podcast
Blog: The Tattooed Lady Blog
Facebook: TheTattooedLadyCA
Graffiti Eyes Group: The Tattoo Lady's Crib
Buy the Stencils: Ultimate Graffiti Eyes Stencil Kit


Unknown said...

awesome blog post and I felt exactly the same way about Lea Selley. She truly is a positive inspiration to all painters. No drama, no judging, just helpful support and enthusiasm. Refreshing!

Unknown said...

Love this and all of the positive support that runs through our painting community. We are all truly blessed!! <3 Drea